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Our Work

We transport our on-going mural projects to festivals and gatherings throughout the area where community members work with us to create vibrant paintings which incorporate local history.  Completed panels - designed to be weatherproof - are then displayed throughout our area. 


Coloring The Chesapeake

We have created a beautiful  alphabetical coloring book,

“A is for Arster”. Each letter features a drawing and poem.  We’ll be at the Chestertown Artisan Market on Saturdays where kids will be able to color and chat with us about art, poetry and local history.  We’ll have pages to give away and books for sale.  We’re working towards being able to give away books to every child we meet.  If you’d like to buy a book for a child….

Completed and Installed!

High Street Mural, South Wall

We set up the panels, paint and brushes each Saturday at the Chestertown Artisan Market where we welcome all helpers. The images depict local workboats along with invasive and endangered species of the Chesapeake. Help keep us in paint!


Rail Trail Mural

We're planning a series of 4’ x 12’ murals, the artwork changing out three times a year. We’ll construct a sturdy frame mounted on the wall of a building that faces the Wayne Gilchrist Trail. The murals themselves will be painted offsite at various community events in the region. The first painting features the image and words of Henry Highland Garnet, former enslaved person, abolitionist, minister, educator and orator who lived in nearby Chesterville as a child before his family escaped to New York. 

Kent Narrows Panorama

Now in the early planning stage, we want to create a large

mural depicting the now forgotten shantytown

community that once housed the oyster shuckers who

worked at the adjacent packing houses of Kent Narrows.

Completed and Installed!

High Street Mural, North Wall

Completed 140’x12’ mural on north

wall of the Vault Storage Building at

848 High Street, Chestertown. Created

by Mr. Reynolds, his students and local children.

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